Fresh-picked from the Garden is a classic bouquet that instantly lifts your spirits. Our florists hand-design this bright and cheerful arrangement, blooming with Liatris, Larkspur, Roses, Carnations, Alstroemeria, Dianthus, Hydrangea, and premium foliage. Bring a taste of the outdoors into your home with our Fresh-Picked Bouquet. It's perfect for a get-well, birthday, or anniversary gift!
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Fresh-Picked from the Garden
$99.00 - $139.00
(You save
- SKU:
- FC-57
- UPC:
Fresh-picked from the Garden is a classic bouquet that instantly lifts your spirits. Our florists hand-design this bright and cheerful arrangement, blooming with Liatris, Larkspur, Roses, Carnations, Alstroemeria, Dianthus, Hydrangea, and premium foliage. Bring a taste of the outdoors into your home with our Fresh-Picked Bouquet. It's perfect for a get-well, birthday, or anniversary gift!
Citrus Garden
$99.00 - $179.00
Garden Party
$115.00 - $149.00
Medium Dish Garden
Rose Garden Heart
Garden of Life Urn
$169.00 - $225.00
Majestic Garden Vase
$149.00 - $199.00
Garden of Life Surround
$299.00 - $419.00
Garden of Serenity Bouquet