Our One Dozen Angelic Lavender Roses is a heavenly flower arrangement that radiates beauty and grace. This exquisite arrangement features 12 stunning lavender roses, delicately arranged in a classic vase and surrounded by lush greenery. The soft, pastel hue of the roses evokes a sense of serenity and tranquility, making it the perfect gift for those who appreciate beauty and elegance. The Angelic Lavender Roses arrangement is ideal for expressing sentiments of love, admiration, and gratitude, making it perfect for occasions such as Mother's Day, birthdays, and other special events.
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One Dozen Angelic Lavender Roses
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- SKU:
- FC-80
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Our One Dozen Angelic Lavender Roses is a heavenly flower arrangement that radiates beauty and grace. This exquisite arrangement features 12 stunning lavender roses, delicately arranged in a classic vase and surrounded by lush greenery. The soft, pastel hue of the roses evokes a sense of serenity and tranquility, making it the perfect gift for those who appreciate beauty and elegance. The Angelic Lavender Roses arrangement is ideal for expressing sentiments of love, admiration, and gratitude, making it perfect for occasions such as Mother's Day, birthdays, and other special events.
One Dozen Vibrant Roses
One Dozen Wild and Free Spirit Roses
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Vibrant Lavender Roses (12)
Half Dozen Wild and Free Spirit Roses
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